Featured in CBC
**Featured on CBC: A Harmonious Journey of Family and Music**
In a heartwarming episode of “The Morning Edition – K-W with Craig Norris,” the captivating story of Angela Cox-Daly and Ross Daly unfolds. A tale woven with family bonds and melodies that resonate through generations.
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Duration: 24 minutes and 5 seconds
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Angela Cox-Daly and Ross Daly’s musical journey began in the vibrant ambiance of a youth symphony. As time unfolded, their connection deepened, leading them down the path of love, marriage, parenthood, and shared performances on stage. In an enlightening conversation with CBC K-W reporter Kate Bueckert, they peel back the layers of their harmonious partnership – both as life partners and musical collaborators.
This extended interview sheds light on their remarkable journey of harmonizing work and life, weaving a family tapestry alongside fellow musicians. Angela and Ross delve into the significance of music in their lives, a constant companion as they witnessed the growth of their family.
Join us in celebrating this captivating feature on CBC, where Angela Cox-Daly and Ross Daly unveil the magic of intertwining family, love, and the enchanting world of music. Their story stands as a testament to the power of unity and passion, resonating with all who understand the profound impact of melodies woven into the fabric of life.
Stay tuned for more insightful stories and enriching experiences as we continue to share the heartwarming narratives of those who inspire us.
Daly Music Academy
Comments (2)
Anna Thomas
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Hannah Johnson
Pellentesque varius elementum iaculis. Proin pellentesque orci id nunc volutpat tincidunt. Aliquam convallis, eros bibendum volutpat accumsan, massa est tincidunt lectus, nec vulputate enim dui a dui.